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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 100.

Let's explore.
Let's learn.
Let's try the guided practice together.
Turn to page 1 and 2.

Today we are going to begin to learn the short version of the story we read yesterday.


We will draw a story map to sequence the main events in the story. Your task is to think of actions that will help us to remember these events off-by-heart.

Can you investigate what a compass is and how to use one? 

Last week in Geography and PE we learnt about direction. 

TYTP - Can you remember any vocabulary you use to give directions?


Let's listen to a familiar story.



As it is World Book Week, we are going to use inspiration from the story Little Red Riding Hood to investigate how to use a compass and give directions on the MUGA.