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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve two-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 100.

Let's try the guided practice. 
Turn to page 9 and 10.


We will model how to write the next part of the story. Use the model and your ideas to begin your story.

”Actually I’m a barn owl,” said the thunderbolt. “And I’ve come to find out about the dark. I want to go hunting with Daddy, but he always hunts at night and I’m afraid of the dark.”

The lady looked surprised.

”DARK IS KIND” she said. “ I forget I am old and think of good times.”


Under the Bridge

Grassy Hill

River bend

Dear Children,

Hi it's me the Troll from that famous story. I really need your help. The Billy Goats are back and they are driving me crazy. The are trip trapping over my bridge day and night and they make so much noise. 

I heard you were super scientists and wondered if you had learnt about anything in Science that could help me. I don't want to fight with the Billy Goats again but I can't sleep with all this noise!

Please help

A very tired Troll

Why do we think the Billy Goats make so much noise crossing the bridge?

What could they do to b quieter?

Can we investigate how they could walk quieter over the hard, wooden bridge?



Roads can be dangerous places so it is really important that you know how to stay safe around them.

How do we cross a road safely?

What do we need to remember?


2F Spring PSHCE