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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Listen to and discuss a text as a class.

Today we are going to finish reading the last chapters of our novel. Talk to your partner about what you think of the story so far. Remember to use because in your sentence to explain why you like it or not.


For example:

I like the parts when Plop asks his mum if he should go now because she just replies "Now!" because she wants to rest.

When we share our ideas, we will be saying what our partner thinks, so listen carefully!


Use the sentence opener:

My partner thinks.... because....

In Maths we are going to continue with revision. 

Focusing on Mid-year revision section A today.

Turn to page 205-207.


Can you identify the different routines that people may have?

A routine is something we repeat regularly because it is important. We can have daily, weekly or annual (yearly) routines.

Talk with your partner about what routines you have and why you do them. Below is an example of bedtime routines.


Other examples could include:

  • saying good morning to your parents so show that you love them
  • brushing your teeth so that they are clean
  • changing your library book to read interesting stories or facts
  • opening cards on your birthday to see who they are from



How is your weekend routine different from your weekday routine?

Why is it important to make time for these special routines? What would happen if you didn't?


Everyday we come into class, we are greeted by our teachers and we change our reading books before taking the register.


This helps us to know that we are cared for; that people are happy to see us; we are safe and that our home learning is really important.


Can you think of another example of a routine you take part in as a community? It might be with your family or at mosque.

How can routines show that we have respect for things that really matter?


Activity: Now go on to Seesaw and draw a picture. Can you write a sentence about a routine that is really important to you?



Why is it important to have routines?

What routine are you going to try and implement after this lesson?