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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to solve word problems involving multiplication of lengths.

Let’s explore

Let’s learn

Let’s try the guided practice together.

Turn to page 129 and 130.


The Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.

We are going to sit quietly in the global gardens to see what birds we can spot.


 Can you describe how people have different strengths and interests that enable them to do different jobs? 

Can you design a vehicle based on a design criteria?

In the Autumn term we learnt all about explorers.

We have looked at all the different kinds of vehicles explorers have used. Remember Tom went in a boat, a hot air balloon , a parachute and a

helicopter to search for his dad lost in the North Pole.



Famous explorer is lost in the Amazon Rainforest!


Oh no!

Tom’s dad is lost again, this time in the Amazon Rainforest!

Tom is going to go on another amazing adventure and he needs your help.

Tom needs your help to design a vehicle he can use to search for and rescue his dad. 

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What do we know about the rainforest that can help us with this?



 Which of the following vehicles do you think would be suitable and why?

Y2 Vehicles

Tom is going to need a vehicle big enough to carry all his equipment and one where he and his dad will be safe from predators.

Draw you design and label with the different part you will need.