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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to compare the mass of two different objects accurately.
Let’s learn

Let’s learn

Let’s try the guided practice together.

Turn to page 147 and 148.

It's time to start writing our report. This is when we use the information in our notes to write full sentences. Today we will write the introduction, which is about all owls before we move onto writing about the owl we chose.




If we use the notes we made from the reading we did, the person reading our notes wouldn't understand what we are writing. It's important to write in full sentences.

Your introduction could be very simple with just two sentences. 

Owls are birds. They have wings so they can fly.


Or you could really show off the knowledge you have and inform the reader so they can learn lots of facts.

There are over 200 species of owl. They live on every continent except Antarctica. Owls are birds of prey because they hunt for other animals.


This writing shows that you know a lot about owls and you can use the skills you have been practising in Year 2:

  • capital letters and full stops
  • finger spaces
  • conjunction


Can you recognise the ways, you are the same as, and different to, other people?

Everyone’s different. We all look different (apart from identical twins), we all think differently, and we all have different personalities. Some differences are more obvious than others. For example, people with red hair tend to be more noticeable because there are fewer of them.


Although some people may look the same or do the same things, we all have differences too.

Respecting differences is about showing kindness to all people, no matter how different they are from you.

Work with your friend to see how you ar the same and how you are different.

Can you explore and use mechanisms for example, levers, sliders, wheels and axels?




Engineering Y2

Your Challenge

You have a range of equipment on your tables, work with a partner to make a chassis with an axle holder, axle and moving wheels.