Review 4 - Multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10.
Today we will be recapping our learning by having a go at Review 4.
Turn to page 106 - 110.
What are birds?
Birds are something we see everyday, but how much do we actually know?
Talk with your talking partner.
Ideas to talk about:
- what they look like
- where they live
- what they eat
- where we see them
- any stories about them
We will show you how to make a note of important information for you to share with the rest of the class.
Let's watch a short video for more information.
Now it's your turn to investigate to find facts about birds.
What have we learned?
We are going to answer this question in full sentences.
They can be simple sentences like:
Birds have wings.
Or they can be compound sentences using and, but & so to join ideas.
Birds have wings so they can fly.
Can you investigate how living things are suited to their habitat, what the animals eat in a habitat and how the plants provide shelter for them?
Last half term we learned about habitats. Talk to your partner about what you remember.
A habitat is a place where an animal lives, providing it with water, food and shelter.
Many animals have special features or skills to help them survive in their habitat. They are adapted to live there.
• Where is a polar bear’s den?
• In which habitat do polar bears live?
• How are they adapted to live in their habitat?
Work as a team.
• Jot down the habitats the animals live in and think about how each animal has adapted to their habitats.
Choose one of the animals that you have researched together, record in you Science book how they have adapted to their habitat.