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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to measure mass in kilograms.

Let’s explore


Let’s learn

Let’s try the guided practice together.

Activity time

To identify how information is organised in a non-chronological report.


We will look at many books and identify what is similar and what is different about the way they present the information.

First, let's look at how information can be presented online.
Click on the pictures below.


Reading information online can have it's advantages because it can be interactive. We can hear sounds, watch videos and click on links to other pages. One of the disadvantages, however, is that we have to scroll to see the information. Let's take a look at some books and see which we prefer.

 Can we evaluate and investigate a range of existing products?

We are going to be engineers this half term and are going to make our own vehicles.

We are going to have very careful look at cars and the different parts that make up a car, so that we can make our own vehicle.

You have all seen cars that look like this.

Can you name any parts of the car?


Where is the windscreen?

Where are the wing mirrors?


Lets check on this picture.


 We also need to learn about the parts of the car that you can't see, underneath the car.

Underneath a car you will find an axle and the wheels.


Let’s watch carefully.


Go to seesaw. Draw and label the parts of a car.


To learn about the different roles and responsibilities people have in their community.

To learn about the different roles and responsibilities people have in their community.

Where you live is where your community will be. Your community is where you feel you belong.

Some people live in small villages and may have a very close community, where everyone knows each other. The hub of their community could be their church or their sports club. In larger towns and cities there are also communities which will be much larger.

Do your parents/carers work in your community?

They could be providing a service, for example a hairdresser, a beautician, a painter or a plumber. They might work for someone or have their own business.

Others could be involved in production based work, for example working in a factory or farmers, teachers, postal workers, doctors, nurses, sales managers or journalists.

All of these jobs are important and all have a part to play in making our community a better place.



Make a list of all the different jobs you see people doing in just one day.

They might be people working on public transport, in a shop or at your school.