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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Enjoy and recite poems off by heart. 


Add -er and -est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word.
Rainbow words- Teacher to model writing the root word in one colour, add -er using another colour. Children to follow
  • Bright
  • Strong
  • Small
  • Big

Session - Poetry day

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose!


Let's listen and join in!

Let's pick out the -ed words and list them below


Innovate with different fruit/vegetables from the previous list.

Dictate sentences for children to write.

  • peppers
  • aubergine
  • apples
  • sprouts
  • tomatoes
  • rake
  • basket
  • lawnmower

Teacher model write poem - Whole class model and stick in books. 


To be able to understand how to divide even numbers into equal groups using concrete materials.

To be able to determine how many groups will be created from sharing equally.

Grouping Equally

Lets check

Try these next question with your talk partners!