Identify and discuss main characters in the story
Extend range of joining words to link words and clauses using ‘but’.
Peter squeezed under the gate but…
His sisters were good little bunnies but..
He loved to eat lettuce and French beans but...
Let's watch the opening scene from the Peter Rabbit movie
Let's watch it again but this time focusing on Mr. McGregor
Let's play TRUE or FALSE
- Mr McGregor was angry at Peter Rabbit.
- He loved growing vegetables.
- Rabbits were his favourite animals.
- Mr McGregor chased Peter with a rake.
- He was a very kind man.
- He had a beard and wore glasses.
- He was a tall and scary man.
- He couldn’t catch Peter Rabbit.
Today we will be creating a character profile for Mr. McGregor
Teacher to model.
What is the significance of an infant baptism and why might parents want their child to be baptised?
Last week we found out that some Christian parents want to have their baby baptised so that they belong to the Christian family and can develop a relationship with God. They believe this baby will have love and support from the Church and that they say thanks to God for the gift of their child.
Let's think of these questions as we are watching this video
- Who is involved in the baptism?
- What objects are used?
- What pictures (symbols) did you see? What do you think they mean?
If we were to have a baptism for Peter Rabbit, what would we need? Who would we invite?
Let's make an invitation for this special person.
Think about:
Their name
Where the ceremony will take place
When the baptism will happen
Let's look at some examples
To be able to understand that doubling is creating an identical number to the one you started with, and that doubling is the same as saying two groups of the same amount.
Starter activity

There are two types of plants you could find outside; wild plants and garden plants.
First let’s think about wild plants.
- Wild plants grow randomly.
- When wild plants grow where they are not wanted they are called weeds.
Now let’s think about garden plants, like the ones we’ve planted for our cool as a cucumber challenge.
- Garden plants are planted intentionally (on purpose).
- Seeds for garden plants are usually planted in rows.
- People will water them and tend to them.
Today we are going to learn about the parts of a flowering plant.
Talk partners.
What parts of a plant do you know?
Now remembering everything we have learnt about the different parts of a plant we are going to label the 4 main parts of a plant!