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Write questions with question marks. 

Participate in role in English and across the curriculum.

Demonstrate understanding of texts by answering questions related to who, what, where, when, why, how. 


In English today we are going to practice turning statements into questions!

For example - I know Beatrix Potter was born in 1866. This is a statement.

Now I am going to turn this statement into a question which is -

When was Beatrix Potter born?

So we are are writing questions based on the facts we already know about Beatrix Potter.

Here are all our facts we know about Beatrix Potter.

With your talk partner choose one fact and turn it into a question. 

For example my fact I have chosen is her family was rich. Now I am going to turn this statement into a question - Was Beatrix's family rich?

Use the question hand to help you create a sentence. 

Then write your question on a post it note.


1. Beatrix Potter was an English writer and  illustrator.

2. She is famous for writing children's books with animal characters such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

3. Beatrix Potter was born in 1866.

4. Beatrix Potter was born in Kensington, London.

5. Her family was rich.

6. She did not have many friends when she was younger but she had lots of pets.

7. She had two rabbits called Benjamin and Peter.

8. When Beatrix was 30, she wrote, 'The tale of Peter Rabbit'. It is a really popular book enjoyed by many children.

9. Beatrix Potter did not have to ask her parents for any money because she made lots of money from her famous books.

10. She bought 'Hill Top Farm' in the Lake District and became a sheep farmer.

11. Beatrix Potter wrote 23 books altogether.

Once everyone has written their questions, one person from each table will have a turn to imagine you are Beatrix Potter and everyone else on your table will ask you the question and you will answer the question as Beatrix Potter!

To be able to use visual representations and patterns to solve word problems; to be able to develop precision in model drawing to recognise similarities and differences.

Let's recap - talk partners

fewer- ?

more- ? 

Using your cubes show me:-

12 - 5 =

11 + 2 = 

Today we will be looking at finding the difference between 2 numbers.

Difference just means you have to subtract (-) the numbers from each other.

Let's count and write our number equation.

Remember to start with the BIGGEST number!

Let's Learn:

You can use your number lines or number squares to count backwards and subtract!

Date: 5.3.25


Can we identify the similarities and differences of a variety of common wild and garden plants? 

Talk partners

What plants can you find outside?

Click the image to learn about what plants you can find outside.

There are two types of plants you could find outside; wild plants and garden plants.


First let’s think about wild plants

- Wild plants grow randomly.

- When wild plants grow where they are not wanted they are called weeds.


Now let’s think about garden plants, like the ones we’ve planted for our cool as a cucumber challenge.

- Garden plants are planted intentionally (on purpose).

- Seeds for garden plants are usually planted in rows.

- People will water them and tend to them.


Now that we know lots about wild and garden plants. We can go for a ‘plant walk’ around school and tally how many wild plants we can see and how many garden plants we can see.


Do you think you could identify the similarities and differences?

How do Christians express their thanks to God for the gift of a baby through infant baptism?

Last week, we talked about what it means to belong to a family, a group or a religion. 

Can anyone name me any groups you might belong to?

Why is it nice to belong to something? - BBC Bitesize

Talking partners:

Who is in your family?

Do you belong to another group (in school, at home, a religion)?

 Are these groups like a family?

How do you show that you belong?


Today we are going to learn about how, in some Christian families, parents choose to have their child baptised so the baby can belong to God's family through the Church.

 Talk partners

Why do you think water is important?

Can we live without water?

Let's learn about how some Christians use and value water in the ceremony of baptism.

Lets watch this video to see why Christians choose to baptise their babies!

 Now as a class we are going to record why we think Christians choose to baptise their babies!