Respond appropriately to adults after listening attentively.
Recall specific information in non-fiction texts.
Lets look at these questions!
Who is Beatrix Potter?
How old is she?
Which animals did she like?
How do you write questions? What do you need to include? How do we form question marks?
Lets recap our learning of the author Beatrix Potter from our last lesson!
1. Beatrix Potter was an English writer and illustrator.
2. She is famous for writing children's books with animal characters such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
3. Beatrix Potter was born in 1866.
4. Beatrix Potter was born in Kensington, London.
5. Her family was rich.
6. She did not have many friends when she was younger but she had lots of pets.
7. She had two rabbits called Benjamin and Peter.
8. When Beatrix was 30, she wrote, 'The tale of Peter Rabbit'. It is a really popular book enjoyed by many children.
9. Beatrix Potter did not have to ask her parents for any money because she made lots of money from her famous books.
10. She bought 'Hill Top Farm' in the Lake District and became a sheep farmer.
11. Beatrix Potter wrote 23 books altogether.
On your strip of paper, write down a question you would like to know about Beatrix Potter then we will add them on to our English learning wall.
Remember what goes at the end of a question and capital letters.
Facts about Beatrix Potter
Beatrix Potter 150 years: Five facts you might not know - BBC Newsround
Talk partner
With your partner write down your most favourite fact about Beatrix Potter on your whiteboard in a full sentence and create actions to help you remember the fact, we will then share our ideas to the whole class!
Teacher to take pictures of each pair performing their sentences.
With your teacher have a look at this timeline which shows the dates 'The adventures of Peter Rabbit and his friend' was written and published!
To be able to use pictorial representations to help solve word problems; to be able to choose the correct operation to solve a word problem.
Let's recap - keywords
total, altogether -?
taking away, left over - ?
Step 1 - underline the important information
Step 2 - Is it + or -
Step 3 - form your equation and work out your answer
Date: 4.3.25
Can we design a product using a design sheet?
Last week in engineering, we became investigators and investigated where food comes from!
Food comes from 2 main sources, does anyone remember the sources?
Lets watch this video to refresh our memories on where different kinds of foods come from!
How milk and bread are made - BBC Bitesize
Let's recap
Talk partners
On Friday we also did a taste test using a variety of fruits, does anyone remember what fruits we tasted and can you describe the taste!
Todays task!
Today we are going to design our very own fruit salads!
To do this we need to think about the following things:
-What ingredients will I need?
-What equipment will I need?
-How will my design look?
Your teacher will model this for you first, then it will be your turn!
Do we know how to respond safely to adults we don’t know and what to do if we feel unsafe or worried?
Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at ways of keeping ourselves and each other safe in familiar environments (like school and home) and unfamiliar environments (like near a road or the canal).
Let's begin by sharing what we know already about ways to stay safe. Your teacher will add your ideas to the learning wall.
What should I do if an adult I don't know speaks to me? Talk partners
There are many times when unfamiliar adults might need to talk to you, but a trusted adult should always be with you and explain who they are and why you can feel safe.
What do you know about the coloured bands that adults in school wear?
What happens if an adult speaks to me and I am worried about it?
You might feel too frightened to talk about certain things to adults you know, so there is a number especially for children that you can phone and it is:
Childline 0800 1111
You can phone them anytime, any day of the week, even Christmas day! They are very friendly people who you can talk to about anything at all. You don’t even have to tell them your name, if you don’t want to. They are there to listen to you and to help you if you want help.