To be able to create their own fact file about Beatrix Potter.
Today you will start to write your fact file about Beatrix Potter independently.
Your teacher will be looking for:
- Capital letters to begin sentences
- Full stops to end sentences
- Capital letters for names
- Using 'but' in sentences
- spaces between words
- neat handwriting
- segmenting for spelling
- Using 'and' in sentences
Review 11
Remember to read the questions carefully!
Page 30-32
Can we place items bought in the past and present in chronological order?
Last week, as historians, we looked at the changes that have happened in Burnley town centre from a photo taken in the past and one taken in the present.
Throughout history, things don’t happen quite as simply as that. Things change over time and it’s important us as historians to understand what these changes look like and that they can take a long time to happen.
Today we are going to place things that you might have around your home into chronological order from a long time ago to the present day.
Chronology- a way to understand how history ‘fits together’
Chronological order- an arrangement of events in the order that they happened
Let's arrange the pictures on our tables in chronological order!