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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to decide whether addition or subtraction is the most appropriate operation. To be able to use and apply number bonds and visual representations to solve word problems.

Continuation from last lesson

Talk partners - Recap last lesson

Writing and speak in complete sentences linked to the context. Use capital letters for names of people/places. Use joining words and/but (or).


Let's continue to practice writing our capital letters on our activity sheets.

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Something really exciting happened last night!

We had a phone call from the famous author Debi Gliori and she was asking year 1s help for something special!

Debi Gliori has asked for our help to create an information poster all about her so that other children can also learn the amazing facts we have been learning about her!

As she is a writer, she doesn't have enough time and is super busy!

Should we help Debi out and create an amazing information poster for other children to read?

Example shared write – Teacher model sentences -

Debi Gliori is an author and she writes books for children. Debi Gliori is not just an author but she is an illustrator as well. She loves drawing and creates new characters for her books. Debi lives in Scotland.



Here are some sentence starters to help you out -

She likes to write her new books when she is on the beach or in her shed.

She likes writing books about..

She has written over seventy books.

Her favourite book is…

My favourite book is…

Debi Gliori is...


You write in full sentences.

You use capital letters.

You write amazing facts.

You use your most wonderful writing!

Am I aware of what it means to belong to a family?

What does it mean to belong?

Belonging is feeling like a part of a group or community. This might be a family, a friendship group, a hobby group or a religion. Belonging can also mean feeling valued and accepted by people in that group.


Why is it nice to belong to something? - BBC Bitesize

Talking partners:

Who is in your family?

Do you belong to another group (in school, at home, a religion)?

 Are these groups like a family?

How do you show that you belong?

Today we are going to create a jigsaw piece to represent ourselves and our family or groups we belong to.

We will use this to remind us that we also belong to our 'class family'.


Can we identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants?


Every child has the right to good health including healthcare, clean drinking water and nutritious food.

This half term in science we are observing and investigating flowering plants.

In EYFS, we planted seeds and identified what plants need to grow.


Talk partners.

What do plants need to grow?

Talk partners.

What is weeding?

What are wild plants?


Look at images below to help you.

1R - Plants


A wild plant is one that grows by itself. The seed of a wild plant grows where it falls. This means it doesn’t need to be planted and doesn’t need to be cared for.

Weeding is removing unwanted plants from an area e.g. flower bed.

Today we are doing something quite exciting! We are going to be doing some weeding and planting some common wild plants.