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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Use joining words during talk to extend ideas, e.g. because.

Discuss the title and how it might relate to events in the book.

Grammar focus – forming capital letters and writing names of characters.

Capital letters - English - BBC Bitesize

Can you write your name using the correct capital letter. Use your capital letters sheet we did yesterday to help you out!

Today we are going to be learning about the amazing author Debi Gliori and her fantastic books she has written!


Let's watch this video about Debi Gliori to find out more about her!

Who is Debi Gliori? Author interview.

Let's have look at the front covers of some of Debi Gliori's books!


 With your talk partners discuss -

What do you think the stories might be about?

Have you read any of these books before?

Which book is eye catching?

Which book would you like to read and why?


Use these sentence starters to help you talk and write about these books-

I think the story is about… because…

This book makes me think of another book

I would like to read the book … because…

This book makes me feel...

I like this front cover because...

Your teacher will model how to answer the questions!


Review 10

Don't forget to read the questions carefully. 

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