Learning outcomes -
Use present tense, orally.
Describe characters orally using vocabulary provided by an adult. Use capital letters for names.
Write sentences with a focus on capital letters for names.
Grammar focus – forming capital letters and writing names of characters.
Lets practice writing some capital letters together!
Lets have a look at this picture of a rabbit family!
Part one
With your talk partners discuss -
What can you see?
Tell me more...
Part two
Choose a rabbit and think of a sentence using the words above!
This is my sentence -
Maisy is munching on some lettuce.
Talk partners
Which sentence is correct?
1 or 2.
1. i am peter and i like lettuce
2. I am Flopsy and I am munching on lettuce.
Part 3
Imagine you are one of the characters from the picture of the rabbit family.
Think of a sentence to describe what you are doing in the picture.
Remember to start your sentence with - I am
Whisper your sentence.
Tell your partner your sentence.
Write your sentence on the post it note.
Use these words to help you out -
I am Ben and I like...
I am Tim and I am...
This is my sentence - I am Jill and I am laughing at Tim.
To be able to observe and use number patterns; to be able to see number lines in conjunction with number squares to create visual proportionality.
Let's recap
Find one more than 15
Find one less than 27
Let's practice our times tables with this song - If time allows
Step 1 - What are the numbers going up in?
Step 2 - Write it down
Step 3 - Keep counting in the pattern to find your answer
Let's look at our number square and use that to help us
Complete your worksheet - Don't forget to use the number line or 100 square to help you!