To be able to use and apply concepts of how many more and how many fewer/less. To be able to apply number bonds and the guess-and-check method to solve word problems.
Let's recap - Word problem keywords
Total, altogether - ?
Take away, left over-?
Remember to underline the important information!
Let's write our number sentence.
Here are a few ways we can work out the answer.
Let's learn
Can we use a range of sources to ask questions about Burnley high street in the past and present?
Does CHANGE always make things better?
Talking partners:
- Where is this?
- Have you been there? If so, what did you do there?
Just like you change classes as you get older, places change over time.
As Historians, we need to find out about those changes by looking at photos and videos, asking people questions or visiting museums.
Today we are going to look at a picture of Burnley high street from a long time ago in the past and a picture of the present.
High street - the main street of an area
Past - something that has already happened
Present- happening now
Let's Learn:
Tell your partner what you can see from these pictures.
I can see...
As Historians, we can use questions to find out more information. We can use these words to begin our questions.
SEESAW activity - Say your questions about Burnley high street in the past
and present
Use capital letters for names of people/places. Use joining word and/but.
You write in full sentences.
You use capital letters.
You write amazing facts.
You use your most wonderful writing!
Once you have finished you can start to practice your actions for one of the fun facts you have written about Debi Gliori and ask your partner to record you on seesaw!