Use the spelling rule for ‘s’ and ‘es’
What is a noun?
Choose a noun, add -s or -es
Noun - Book + s = Books
Church + es = Churches
Match + = _______
Mountain + = _________
Play this game!
Discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known
Let's recap - Talk partners
What is non fiction?
Examples of non fiction texts?
Let's watch this video to identify the features of a non fiction text.
We are going to create a class checklist and list all the features!
Complete your worksheet and label all the different features of the text - Minibeasts!
Can we become aware of the responsibilities to take care for the natural world?
Let's recap - Talk partners
- Who is responsible for taking care of the world?
- Why was Muhammad (PBUH) a good role model?
- The importance of being caretaker (Visit from Mr. Mac)
Eco - School grounds
Do we take care of the school grounds?
Eco - Waste
Do we use the correct bins?
What would happen if we didn’t take care of the school grounds or use the correct bins?
Let's Learn
What do you think of the images?
1R - RE Nature
Why might a Muslim be concerned about these issues?
What might a Muslim do as a result of their concern?
How would you feel if the school grounds or local community looked like the images above?
What could be done?
What is the environment?
The environment is all around us.
It is where people, animals and plants live.
In the United Kingdom, we live in a mixture of natural and built environments.
Now together let’s write down rules that should be followed in order to take care of the school grounds.
In todays lesson we will be recapping some our prior learning and completing a few pages to see how we remember!
Pages 161-164
Can we group objects based on their properties?
Recap - Talk partners - Materials and their properties.
Materials can be described by their properties e.g. shiny, stretchy, rough, etc. Some materials can be in different forms with very different properties.
Watch this video - Materials and Their Properties for Kids (Educational Video for Kids) - YouTube
With your talk partners can you describe the properties of the materials below!
Now you are going to be grouping different objects from the box based on their properties!