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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to subtract by subtracting from only the ones column

Let's practice our number bonds to 10


Let's use counters to help us solve this problem. 

Count the hens. 

4 hens walk into their house. How many hens are left outside? If we are subtracting, does the number get bigger or smaller?



Use the 20 frame to generate 2 single digit numbers to subtract. Model how a number can be made up of parts to help us create number bonds like in the Master picture. Repeat as necessary.

Ten Frame | Manipulatives | Coolmath4Kids

Let's learn:


To use the conjunction ‘but’ to join ideas. 

Have a look at these sentences below, what word should we add to them to connect them together. 

He is rich ... he is not happy. 

I got a pen ... I lost the lid. 

I went to the park ... it started rain.

To use the conjunction ‘but’ to join ideas. 

We are going to write a letter to mum from the boy. We are going to think about the answers to the questions we discussed yesterday. 

We will write a letter together, looking at the features we need for a letter as well as including a sentence with the conjuction but. Then it's your turn! 


Remember our writing checklist: 

Capital letters

Full stops

Writing on the line

Spaces between words

Use the conjuction but

Use your phonics