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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to recognise, read and write numbers to 20 in words and figures.

Partner work:

Use the strategy we learnt last week (making 10 first) to show me 11 on your ten frames.

On a whiteboard, show me what that number would look like. 

Model writing it as a number and in words for LW.

Let's explore:

Eleven and twelve are special words and do not relate to the naming pattern used with the numbers 13–19. The numbers 13–19 reverse the order in which they are written, so 13 is written as thirteen, with the ten component coming at the end.

Let's master:

Use the model above to write these numbers and words in your yellow journal.

Complete pages 93 & 94.

Adaptive teaching:

Use the strategy we learnt last week (making 10 first) to show me 11 on your ten frames.

Model writing the number and in words as the children show you.

Continue up to 15.

What are we doing each time? (adding one more)

What is happening to the number? (getting bigger)

Do you notice a pattern? (each number starts with 1)

Explain that this is because the one represents the full ten frame and the second digit represents the ones.

Look together at the words. Eleven and twelve are special words and do not follow the pattern used with the numbers 13–15.

Use the model to write the numbers and words in yellow books.


To use question marks at the end of some sentences. 

Can you write a question on your whiteboard? 

How do we know when the sentence is a question not a statement? 

To demonstrate an understanding of the text by answering questions. 

We are going to read the story once more and you are going to answer some questions.

These will have our question words in them, can you remember what they are? 

We will complete this one question at a time. 

Adaptive Teaching 

Work through the questions as a group. 

Record some of the children's answers (child dependent)


Limited in extent, number, scope or action

The carts were restricted for the people who could afford them during the Great Fire of London.


existing or happening over a large area or a number of people

The fire started in the early hours of 2nd September 1666 and caused widespread destruction.


Protecting the environment and natural resources for future generations

Let's plant trees to keep our environment sustainable.


Grouping people or things based on shared features.

Which category does an owl fit into?


A particular thing or person and nothing else of the same kind.

I asked him to be more specific when describing the type of bird he saw.


1. The force of two objects crashing into each other

2. The powerful effect something has on something or someone

The Great Fire of London had a lasting impact on the capital city.