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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to use the appropriate positional language (ordinal numbers) for up to 10 positions.


Go outside onto the running yard and complete some races, looking at the position of the children racing. 

Order some children with the start position being at the left and the right. 

Write the ordinal numbers and words for your LW.


Use actions for capital letters and full stops when reading these sentences.

Madam Dragon ran a school many moons ago.

Zog the biggest dragon was the keenest one by far.

To retell familiar stories in a range of contexts.

Let's read the whole story again together. Join in with the rhyming words.

Today we are going outside to retell the story of Zog and his friends in the order the events happened.

Think like a detective! You've got to find the clues first.

What was it like to live in London during the fire? (Interpretation)

Now we have been around the fire pit and experienced fire close by, we are going to record our thoughts on individual flames.

Let's use our senses to discuss what we found out:

I could see..

I could smell..

I could feel..

I could hear..

Can we retell the story of the Nativity in order?

Last week, we learned about the important characters in the Nativity (the story of the birth of Jesus)

How much do you remember?

What were the names of the main characters?

Who do you think is the most important character?

Who do Christians believe is the most important? Why?

Let's rewatch the video to remind ourselves of the events that took place.


Now we are going to sequence pictures in the correct order in a zigzag book.

Adaptive teaching- retell the events using roll play with costumes and baby. Use some of the language from the story (as told in the Bible)e.g. do not be afraid- you will have a baby called Jesus- the baby was the Son of God. Use enough space that they understand that a journey had to happen for Mary and Joseph and then the shepherds.