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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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To be able to use the ordinal numbers up to 10


Working with your partner. 

You will need your ipad.

Adaptive Teaching- complete as a group with an adult. 


Look at the markers, we will be based on the running and walking yard. 

You need to read the question and circle the position in the correct position. 



To identify and discuss main events in a story.

Now we have read the whole book, we are going to read a short version of the story so that we can learn it off by heart.

This short version has the same structure of the original with a beginning, middle and end. It also follow the same sequence with the events taking place in the correct order. Can you spot the differences?

We are going to read it again, but this time, we will use actions for capital letters and full stops.

Now let's look at what a story map of this would look like.

Let's write a list of important things we need to remember to include in our writing when we invent a new story:

  • a beginning, middle and end
  • events in the correct order
  • time words to move the story on

Adaptive teaching:

Can we group different animals based on our research?

 What are the 5 groups of animals we have been learning about? 

Can you remember a feature of the animal in each groups? 


Image result for animal gorups kids


You are going to complete the quiz about the different groups of animals. 











Adaptive Teaching- Choose a small world animal and record on Seesaw its features e.g a bird has wings, a fish has fins etc. 




Read the Feelings Doctor and discuss to add to the floor book.