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Tom Percival

Milo’s Monster


 What makes a good friend? How many friends can you have?

You have the right to choose your own friends. How will you respect your friend?

Look at the pictures…

Are Jay and Suzie telling Milo he can’t play? How do you know?


What is the green monster? 
jealous: being worried or angry because you think someone has got or is taking something important to you

 How is it making him feel? Are the things Milo is thinking true or is the monster trying to trick him?

 Milo decided not to play with Jay and Suzie any more. How do you think that made him feel?

Why was Milo sorry?



Bea’s Bad Day



How do you feel when it is your birthday? Are there any other things that make you excited? 

excited: to look forward to something good


Look at the pictures... 

How is Bea feeling in these pictures?

disappointed: feeling unhappy that something didn't happen or wasn't as good as expected


Make a list of Bea's disappointments.


How did mum, dad and brother try to cheer Bea up? Did it work?

Were the things Bea did on her birthday the things she expected to do? Did it matter? Did she still have fun? 

Why did Bea like the homemade decorations and cake?

Why didn't Bea get upset when dad dropped the cake?


 Can you make a birthday party for Bea? Remember our learning about celebrations? What will we need?


Finn’s Fibs



How do you feel when you go to visit relatives? What things do you do with your relatives? What did Finn like to do with his Grandma?

fib: a lie

fragile: something that breaks easily

Grandma had lots of special, fragile things. D you have anything that is special to you? How would you feel if it got broken?

How do you think Grandma felt when she saw the broken clock? Why? How did it make Finn feel to see Grandma like that? Why do you think he said Simone did it?

What do you think the blobs were? How did they make Finn feel?

panic: when you are so scared or worried about something you can't think about what you are doing


Why did Finn carry on telling fibs? Why didn't he want to tell the truth?

How did Finn feel when he had told so many fibs? Did he like feeing like that? What could he do to stop feeling like that?

Finn said it was too late. Was he right?

Why was Finn's face hot when he thought about telling the truth? Did that stop him from telling the truth?

 mistake: to do something wrong

Grandma says 'We all make mistakes' and Finn says he will try and tell the truth from now on. Is it important to learn from our mistakes?