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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Funky fingers

I don't feel like dancing

Scissor Sisters


Can you remember what you said made a good friend? Look in our Floor Book at what we said.

This week we are learning Article 15: You have the right to choose your own friends. Let's put it on our Learning Wall.



What do you do with your friends?

How many friends should you have?

What if your friends want to play a different game to the one you want to play?


Along with the Right comes respect. Respect means that you look after something because you think it's important.

How do you respect your friend(s)?


Can you remember what a Dutybearer is? Which Dutybearers might help you with this Right?

How can they help you with this Right?

Make a class poster to put up in the classroom reminding children how to respect their friend(s).





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