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Stoneyholme Community Primary School

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Important messages

Our weekly PE lesson is every Tuesday. Please remember to come in your PE uniform. As we do 15 minutes of daily PE children must wear plain black trainers every day.

* Remember to bring your water bottles back to school every Monday

*Remember to bring your reading book inside your Book Bag every day

Class Timetable

EYFS Stoneyholme Curriculum

eyfs stoneyholme curriculum and curricular goals.pdf


Autumn 1

Our key concept for this half term is...

Can you be the same and different at the same time? Does it matter if we are different?

Communication and Language:

We will know what makes a good listener and what makes a good speaker.

Physical Development:

We will know how to control our bodies and develop hand and finger strength.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

We will know about different feelings, what they are called and when we might feel them. We will know some strategies for calming down. We will know the class rules and routines and start to follow them. We will answer the question 'What makes a good friend?' and know how to keep ourselves safe on Bonfire Night.


We will know some nursery rhymes, enjoy listening to stories and start our phonics learning. We will know how to read and write our names.


We will know how to orally count forwards and backwards to 10. We will know how to count accurately 5 objects and know how many we have counted. We will know how to sequence three objects by size. We will know how to subitise to 5. We will know how to read and write the numerals to 5 and explore different ways to represent sets with up to 5 objects.

Understanding the World:

As scientists we will know the names of parts of the face and body.

As historians we will know what 'the past' means and identify clues in pictorial sources.

As geographers we will know what a map is and some human and physical features of Stoneyholme.

Expressive Art and Design:

As artists we will know how to use different media to create lines and patterns. We will know who Frida Kahlo is and will use different media to create representations of faces.

EYFS autumn 1 PSED


EYFS Autumn 1 maths/literacy


EYFS Autumn 1 science/art


EYFS Autumn 1 geography



Autumn 2

Our key concept for this half term is...

Can you be the same and different at the same time? Does it matter if we are different?

Communication and Language:

We will know how to retell the story of The Gingerbread Man, other traditional tales and an innovated version of the story. We will orally compare and describe. We will perform innovated versions of The Gingerbread Man and record them using IPads.

Physical Development:

We will know how to control equipment such as pencils and scissors. In PE we will start to learn the fundamental movement skills.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

We will know some ways to keep ourselves clean and healthy including hand hygiene. We will know how to share and explore UNCRC Article 15: The right to choose your own friends.


We will know the story of The Gingerbread Man. We will know how to make a wanted poster describing the Gingerbread Man and know what a character is. We will use our learning as scientists to innovate the story giving it new characters and a new setting.


We will know how to orally count in 2s. We will know how to count objects accurately from a larger group. We will know how to read and write the numerals to 10 and explore different ways to represent sets with up to 10 objects. We will know that the number of objects stays the same even when the objects are moved around and how to match numerals to sets of objects. We will know how to compare quantities, number bonds to 5 and use the part-part-whole method to add and subtract. We will know 2Dshapes and use them to make repeating patterns. We will know how to sequence three objects by length.

Understanding the World:

As scientists we will know how to predict and be fair when working scientifically to answer the question 'What will happen to the Gingerbread Man the longer he is in the river?'. We will know the names of some common animals and where they live. We will know what our senses are and use them to describe. We will know that some things change when they are heated (making bread) and some things change according to the seasons (Autumn). We will know what happens when objects float or sink.

As historians we will know what 'the past' means and identify clues in pictorial sources.

As geographers we will know some human and physical features of Stoneyholme and make journey maps linked to the Gingerbread Man's journey.

Expressive Art and Design:

As artists we will know how to mix colours to make new colours. We will know how to make a variety of lines, patterns and shapes using different media and materials. We will know who Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky are and use them as inspiration for our own art.

As engineers we will know how to design, make and evaluate something to help the Gingerbread Man cross the river.


We will know how and why people celebrate. We will know about some holy books and the stories/messages in them.


Autumn 2 EYFS






 Spring 1


Our Key Concept for this half term is...

Who does the world belong to?


Communication and Language: 

We know how to ask questions to find out more and check our understanding. We will be able to use talk to clarify our thinking and express our ideas. We will know how to retell the story 'An Elephant in my Kitchen' and innovate sentences from the story to create new ones. We will orally compare and express our opinions.

 Physical Development:

We will refine our use of equipment, including pencils for writing. We will know how to form the letters i, l, t, r, n and m correctly. In PE we will be able to jump, travel over, under and through climbing equipment, catch a ball with some accuracy and roll in a variety of ways.

Personal Social and Emotional Development:

We will know the importance of oral hygiene and visiting the dentist. We will know how to self regulate, solve conflicts appropriately and consider the perspectives of others. We will be able to set our own goals and challenges and show perseverance and resilience to complete them.

We will explore the following UNCRC children's Rights: 

Article 12 You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously.

Article 13 You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing, unless it breaks the rights of others.

Article 15 You have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others

 We will use these Rights to share our thoughts and feelings about looking after the planet.

 We will learn about the importance of these Global Goals and what we can do to support them:  

Global Goal 14: Life below water - To ensure action to slow down the impact of global warming and to ensure action to protect oceans and seas

Goal 15: Life on land  - To ensure action to protect the environment and endangered animals


We will know the story 'An Elephant in my Kitchen'. We will use our learning as scientists to innovate sentences from the story to create new ones. We will be applying the knowledge we have from our Phonics learning so that others can read our writing.


We will know how to count to 20 and backwards from 10 .We will know how to read numerals to 20  and write numerals to 10 . We will know how to subitise to 10 using number patterns, such as dice, doubles and number bonds.  We will know how to represent sets to 20 using 10 frames, Numicon and objects  and to identify 1 more/1 less using sets. We will know our number bonds to 5 and show these using 10 frames and Numicon. We will know how to add and subtract with numbers to 10 and start to explore double facts.

We will be able to name and describe 3D shapes , compare objects by weight  and use units to compare weight .

Understanding the World:

As scientists we will know how to predict and be fair when working scientifically to answer the question 'Where is the cleanest air round school?' . We will explore different materials and how these can be recycled. We will use our observation skills to identify and record natural freezing and melting. We will know the names of some common animals and where they live. 

As historians we will know some significant people who support the planet. We will know what 'the past' means and look at how vehicles have changed over time and how this impacts on the planet.

As geographers we will know some of the effects of our actions on places around the world and what we can do about this.

Expressive Art and Design:

As artists we will know about the technique of collage. We will use collage to create pictures and explore shades of colour. We will know about the technique of mosaic and use all the Art knowledge we have to create our own mosaic fish.

As musicians we will be listening to music from a range of genres, learning to sing new songs, moving to music and exploring instruments.


We will know about some of the stories in holy books relating to looking after our world and what we can do to act on these messages.

EYFS Spring 1

Spring 2


Our Key Concept for this half term is...

Who does the world belong to?


Communication and Language: 

We will be using the conjunctions 'and' and 'because' to join our ideas together. We will be able to use the past tense when we talk about things from the past. We will know how to retell the story 'Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish' and innovate sentences from the story to create new ones. We will orally compare and express our opinions. We will be able to use talk to help us solve problems and organise our thinking and ideas.

 Physical Development:

We will refine our use of equipment, including pencils for writing. We will know how to form the letters c, o, a, d, g and q correctly. In PE we will be introduced to orienteering. We will know some basic directions and take part in simple mapwork. We will know that a map has symbols which represent real world features and which real world feature each symbol represents. We will be developing our spatial awareness through orienteering.

Personal Social and Emotional Development:

We will be revisiting how to self regulate and consider what makes a good person. We will know how to solve conflicts appropriately and consider the perspectives of others. We will be able to set our own goals and challenges and show perseverance and resilience to complete them.

We will explore the following UNCRC children's Rights: 

Article 12 You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously.

Article 13 You have the right to find out things and say what you think, through making art, speaking and writing, unless it breaks the rights of others.

Article 15 You have the right to be with friends and join or set up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others

 We will use these Rights to share our thoughts and feelings about looking after the planet.

 We will learn about the importance of these Global Goals and what we can do to support them:  

Global Goal 14: Life below water - To ensure action to slow down the impact of global warming and to ensure action to protect oceans and seas

Goal 15: Life on land  - To ensure action to protect the environment and endangered animals


We will know the story 'Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish'. We will use our learning as scientists to innovate sentences from the story to create new ones. We will be applying the knowledge we have from our Phonics learning so that others can read our writing.


We will know how to count beyond 20. We will know how to read and write numerals to 20 . We will know how to subitise to 10 using number patterns, such as dice, doubles and number bonds.  We will know how to represent sets to 20 using 10 frames, Numicon and objects  and to identify 1 more/1 less using numberlines. We will know the subtraction facts related to the number bonds to 5. We will know how to add and subtract with numbers to 20 and know double facts up to double 10.

We will be able to compare objects by height  and use units to compare height .

Understanding the World:

As scientists we will know how to predict and be fair when working scientifically to answer the question 'What is the best way to clean water?'. We will be hatching our own eggs to learn about about life cycles and use our observing skills. We will continue to refine our observing skills on our visit to Spring Wood to look at signs of Spring.

As historians we will know about Mary Anning, how she helped people find out about dinosaurs through her fossil hunting. We will know what 'the past' means and, through finding out about dinosaurs, what the word 'extinct' means. We will look at how packaging and bags have changed over time and how this impacts on the planet. 

As geographers we will know some of the effects of our actions on places around the world and what we can do about this. We will find out about how we grow food in other countries and the significance of the fair trade symbol. We will be visiting the local supermarket to look for these symbols.

Expressive Art and Design:

As artists we will know about the technique of printing. We will use printing to create pictures. We will also know about tones of colour exploring adding white to see what happens. We will be visiting the STEAM Hub to use what we have learnt to create a safari silhouette sunset.

As musicians we will be listening to music from a range of genres, learning to sing new songs, moving to music and exploring instruments.


We will know about some of the stories in holy books relating to looking after our world and what we can do to act on these messages. 

EYFS Spring 2